Space 0
Space 0 is dedicated to man and his being, giving him space and time to penetrate into the intimate spaces of his thoughts. This work is based on the idea of the environment as a temple, connecting man with nature as a source of spirituality.
Rethinking the need for a new, contemporary holy place, a space for introspective dialogue, this work tries to, through the play of light, sound, and reflection, mark a holy place, a temple where an individual can surrender to his own inner world.
The video work, which was created in collaboration with a colleague and friend, director of photography Vladislav Andrejević, is an indicator of long-term cooperation and a common visual language.
With the aim of presenting the power of nature and the importance of light in the experience of ambient space, both in nature and in human perception, we tried to present the elusive through video work.
Project done in collaboration with: Vladislav Andrejevic