Another Time
TU Berlin _ Szene design MA Studies
Project B2 Stage / Scenic Space “Another time”
Lecturer: Katharina Schütz
The term stage design often refers to decoration and thus to a mimetic intention. Since the beginning of the 20th century, a departure from this tradition of stage design
as a realistic image, as an illustration, has been possible.
What spaces open up when we understand the stage design as an independent actor? How can the stage design become an artistically independent component of the
production and add something to it in order to become its own narrative? What can a stage design be if the focus is not on the illustration or authentication of the production?
How can the temporality and materiality of a stage design come to the fore?
Every material has a specific effect. Which materials convey which atmospheres? What emotions do they evoke? What action can a material tell? What temporality can we tell
through a transforming material?
Based on short texts by Barbi Marković, Jovana Reisinger and Sylvia Plath, we search for materials that can undergo a visible metamorphosis (ancient Greek μεταμόρφωσις
metamórphōsis “transformation, transformation, conversion”). We search for a different temporality, for the performativity of change. We make the stage design a co-actor.